HV / MV / LV Circuit Breakers
The CME Service Team offers maintenance, troubleshooting and revamping alongside the largest international manufacturers. The experience in the sector and the knowledge of the most used mechanical controls allow us to be a reliable partner on most devices on the market, including those out of production.
CME Mallano has all the tools for in-depth maintenance:
• Check the internal contact resistances of the poles
• Verification of opening / closing maneuver times and contemporaneity
• Check the quality of the SF6 gas
• Check vacuum quality
Our technical team is able to operate on:
• HV oil and SF6 CB’s
• MV CB’s in SF6, Oil, vacuum and magnetic de-ionization
• LV open and molded-case switches
Protection relay
• Maintenance and retrofit activities on all latest generation HV, MV and LV protection relays.
• Insertion of calibration settings according to plant coordination studies
• Secondary current and voltage injection tests to check the set thresholds
• Recording of intervention times and compilation of dedicated reports, printed automatically by the test machines and on reports prepared on site
• Programming of the protection relays according to the required communication protocols:
▪ IEC61850
CME Mallano installs and carries out maintenance operations on all types of medium voltage electrical panels for primary and secondary distribution, including the latest generation of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
We also perform Retrofitting and Modifications to existing systems with final verification of compliance with mandatory standards through suitable instrumentation.
• Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance on HV / MV and MV / LV Power Transformers
• Integrity check of materials
• Taking oil samples and related analyzes
• Check Buccholz oil level alarm circuits
• Winding ratio and resistance measurements